SCVUHS School Clubs
We invite you to come out and join in our many clubs and activities! Here you will be kept in-the-know with all of the events and great opportunities that our students can enjoy.
The SCVUHS Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) is affiliated with the national organization based in Reston, Virginia. Students earning a GPA of at least 3.3 through the ninth grade will be invited to apply for membership. An essay and application are required to apply. Submissions will be evaluated by the Faculty Advisory Committee to determine membership. Participation in chapter service projects and other activities earns the student the privilege of graduating as a public member of NHS. Santa Cruz NHS members serve as mentors, peer tutors, and role models for the entire community in their scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

Santa Cruz Whirlwind Yearbook
The main objective of the Santa Cruz Whirlwind Yearbook is to historically capture each year to develop a yearbook. Whirlwind staff members capture the year with a compilation of photos as well as information regarding students, teachers, clubs, athletics, and the important happenings during the school year. The Whirlwind staff vigorously fundraises to ensure a low price for yearbook. The organization also solicits local community businesses to sponsor the yearbook for publication. Starting with the 2009-2010 Whirlwind, the staff will restore the tradition of dedicating the yearbook. The newest edition will also reestablish a section for Santa Cruz Senior Boy and Girl of the Year.

Student Council
The history of Santa Cruz Valley Union High School is rich and quite legendary, and the success of our students is equally thriving and important. The Santa Cruz Student Council organizes, supports, and provides activities to continue the tradition of Dust Devil Pride. The Student Council is largely responsible for planning the annual Santa Cruz Homecoming Week Festivities. The objectives for the Santa Cruz Student Council are to set forth a high standard in the following areas:
- Promotes school spirit and pride by sponsoring events that set a positive school atmosphere
- Creates publicity about student events and ideas by informing the campus
- Responsible for fundraising and utilize funding to promote school spirit and pride
- Advises others of student opinion about important issues by gathering facts to share with others
- Solves problems and makes decisions using student input
- Sponsors events that enrich school life
- Sponsors social, academic, seasonal, and special happenings